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Because the lower left bar in the hour digit on this clock didn't illuminate properly, it wasn't dependable for telling the correct time. |
My mind had to be playing tricks on me! When I glanced at
the digital alarm clock at the hotel, it read “5:58.” A few minutes later I
looked at it again and it read “5:03.” I knew we were changing to Daylight
Standard Time later that day, but was the clock programmed to reset itself?
Later in the evening when I checked the time it read “7:46.”
But when I looked at it less than a half hour later, it read “9:10.” What in
the world? I compared the time with my watch, as I had earlier in the day, and
it was off by an hour. Was I hallucinating? Maybe the toll of travel in the
Northeast was more than I had expected?
Then I realized the problem: The lower left bar in the digital
numeral for the hour wasn’t properly illuminated. Unless you looked very
closely, the 6 would appear to be a 5, and the 8 seemed to be a 9. Not a big
deal, unless you needed to get up at 6 a.m., looked at the clock and thought it
said 5 a.m., so you went back to sleep for an hour.
Isn’t it
funny how the failure of one part can undermine the effectiveness of the whole?
We’ve probably all had the experience of enjoying a nice, smooth drive down the
highway when a flat tire suddenly spoiled the ride. Everything was great with
the car – except for one tire. Or you’re finally about to finish that beautiful
500-piece puzzle and then discover one piece is missing. For some reason, having
assembled a 499-piece puzzle isn’t nearly as satisfying.
We see this
principle in the sports world all the time: An offensive lineman misses a key
block, causing the running back to be tackled behind the line of scrimmage. In
basketball, the point guard makes the perfect pass as his teammate glides
toward the basket for the game-winning shot, but he drops the ball as time
expires. How successful would a rowing team be if one of its competitors lost
an oar?
nowhere is the significance of every single part greater than in the body of
Christ. The choir seems well-rehearsed for the Christmas cantata, but if Phoebe
insists on singing off-key, the result will be the choral equivalent of finding
a fly in your soup. Pastor Glutz might have prepared the most stirring sermon
of his life, but it’ll be for naught if Herbie in the tech department doesn’t
properly control the sound system.
Even more
important is what transpires in the name of Jesus outside of what we typically
call “the church.” As the apostle Paul wrote, “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all
its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ…” (1
Corinthians 12:12). If you read a powerful book by your favorite Christian
author, think about all the people who were involved in bringing the book to
reality – the editors, graphic designers, proof readers, press operators,
distributors, etc.
I’ve known
people who were gifted evangelists, possessing unique abilities for
communicating the gospel message to receptive, listening ears. But before they
could speak at outreach meetings, it took other individuals to handle many
details, ranging from selecting a venue and planning the event to inviting
guests and preparing for follow-up on those who responded.
from foreign missionaries stir us, hearing about God at work in various parts
of the world, reaching men, women and children in different cultures. But
without the help and support of many people in the United States, the
missionaries couldn’t do the work they’ve been called to do.
We admire
those with spiritual gifts that put them in the public eye, whether it’s a
speaker, singer, author or denominational leader. But we’re all part of the
“puzzle,” and without each one of us, the task would be incomplete.
As Paul
wrote, “The eye cannot say to the hand,
‘I don’t need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you!’ On
the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,
and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor….
But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the
parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body…” (1
Corinthians 12:21-25).